Changing environmental and climatic conditions challenge your forage production. Grasses that can better handle spring and early summer drought will result in a healthy and high yielding crop.
The following two catch crop mixtures combine the benefits of stubble turnips and forage rape, excellent for fattening lambs during autumn and winter and providing winter keep for all stock. These mixtures have been in great demand over recent years and the results from stock utilisation have been excellent. It can also be cut and fed to stock ‘in house’ or as an alternative can be ensiled as big bale kaleage. Kale is very useful as it can extend the grazing season. This crop is best strip grazed to avoid excessive wastage and ensure both leaf and stem are eaten. It is advisable to stagger sowing dates to ensure it does not over-mature. It is very adaptable and can grow on most sites throughout the UK. Kale can also be used as game cover
High milk or meat yields are essential for running a profitable farm. The key to this is to keep your herds well fed with home-grown forage. With best in class ForageMax mixtures you increase the nutritional value of your forage and silage.
HF Seeds has been at the forefront of seed breeding technology for over 60 years. This long and successful pedigree has grown over the years as generations of farming families come to trust the HF Seeds brand as the foremost range of grass mixtures that are available.
We're not just about grass at DLF. We supply a range of other feed and commercial crops that support farm profitability. Your Countryside is our diverse range of species and choice of specialist mixtures, bringing Game Cover, Environmental Stewardship, Root Crops and Cover Crops, together in one comprehensive catalogue.
Agricultural & Specialist Seeds Team:
Telephone: 01506 894820
Email: forage@dlf.co.uk
Changing environmental and climatic conditions challenge your forage production. Grasses that can better handle spring and early summer drought will result in a healthy and high yielding crop.
Higher forage quality. Excellent tolerance. Better yields. There are plenty of great reasons to give the green light to PLUS grasses.
Everybody needs good nutrition to grow. Grass seeds are no exception. That’s why we send our ProNitro® coated seeds into the world with a packed lunch full of nitrogen that will fuel germination and growth.
Our top quality grasses labeled as DLF Fiber Energy improve nutritional intake. The result is more milk and/or meat yields and at the same time a reduced climatic impact.
High drought tolerance, excellent yield with a high protein content and not least a natural nitrogen source. The reasons for choosing DLF Alfalfa are manyfold.
Our top quality grasses labeled as DLF Fiber Energy improve nutritional intake. The result is more milk and/or meat yields and at the same time a reduced climatic impact.