Lawn that has maintained its green colour all year due to Microclover seeds.

Microclover® - a breakthrough in sustainable lawn care

Imagine if you could have sustainable grass that stays dark green most of the year - even during dry spells. With Microclover® seed you can grow a green lawn all year round – with minimum effort. Microclover is one the few plant species that produces its own nitrogen fertiliser. This ensures that your turf gets the needed amount of fertiliser so that it stays green, which also saves you money.

About Microclover®

Microclover® is a very tiny white clover. The unique small leaved clover is developed specifically for use together with lawn grasses and has a special ability to grow in between the grass plants, keep an even distribution over the lawn and supply the grass with the nitrogen needed. Furthermore, it keeps the lawn dense and thereby it decreases the amount of weeds and the amount of work you need to put into it. 

Microclover® is a leguminous species. Legumes can fix nitrogen from the air which eliminates the need for artificial fertiliser. This N-fixation takes place in the root nodules formed by the symbiotic Rhizobium bacteria. The continuous process of roots dying and degenerating means the accumulated nitrogen is available to the surrounding grass plants.  This is truly a sustainable solution. 

Microclover® is a plant that produces stolons so that it can spread itself evenly in the turf. This means it is good for closing bare spots quickly, which ultimately reduces the chance that weeds can be established and therefore you do not need to spend so much time on weed control. Additionally, the stolons allow it to regenerate itself after severe stress giving you a green lawn faster. 

Microclover® is adapted to a wide range of climatic and soil conditions tolerating wet and shade conditions, as well as drought. However, it can only tolerate wet conditions as long as the area is not flooded for long periods. 

Field of grass

Microclover® together with grass

Microclover® grows quite aggressively and is very well suited with the latest fine leaved, dense, high quality perennial ryegrasses (most common grass variety used in lawn mixtures).  

Strong creeping types of red fescue are ‘strong’ enough to be used in mixtures with perennial ryegrass and Microclover®. Slender creeping red fescue and chewings fescue are used more in mixtures without perennial ryegrass where they find balance with Microclover®.  

Smooth stalked meadow grass is a good partner for more continental climates. It grows less aggressively and is an ideal species to mix with Microclover® in areas that receive a lot of wear. In dry areas Microclover® can be added to a tall fescue and smooth stalked meadow grass mixture. 

Trials made by STRI-Bingley demonstrates how Microclover® improves the quality when it is added to a mixture.

Microclover® appearance over the growing season. Plots indicated with blue contain Microclover®.

Comparison of Microclover appearance over four seasons

Reduce your environmental impact with Microclover®

Our breeding and product development, has through more than 30 years, aimed to develop, and breed more sustainable varieties adapted to local climatic conditions.​ We offer Microclover® that are optimized to maximize performance and minimize resource input, by increasing resilience to changing climate conditions and disease pressure. ​This solution can reduce the impact on the climate and environment.  With Microclover®, maintenance becomes easier and more sustainable as it requires less input in terms of fertilisers, water and plant protection products. 

The UN has identified 17 sustainable development goals (SDGs) to achieve a better and more sustainable future for all in 2030. Turf solutions with Microclover® can contribute to meet some of the UN SDGs because Microclover® needs fewer resources. By choosing Microclover® from us, your business can help meet the UN SDG no. 6 (clean water), no. 13 (climate action) and no. 15 (life on land).

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