

A fast growing cover crop

A fast growing green manure crop with bio fumigation properties, i.e. it suppresses soil-borne pests and diseases.

It is an easy to establish 50 - 70 day crop that can be sown between April and September.

Unlike white mustard, it is winter hardy.

It will improve the health of the soil by increasing organic matter and acts as an excellent weed suppressant.

It is also especially useful as over-wintering green cover after maize, potatoes and sugar beet crops, reducing soil erosion, fertiliser leaching and water run-off.

Seed Rate Pack Size Seed Treatment
5 - 7.5kg/ha 5kg Untreated


Scale 1-9, where 9 = best or most pronounced

Suppresses Weeds
Retains Nutrients
  • Suppresses weeds
  • Retains nutrients
  • Biofumigant