ProNitro Trial – Tee Renovation, Mid-Herts Golf Club,

Jody Wilson and his team at Mid-Herts Golf Club were tasked with re-instating the tee banks of the 6th hole after they had removed the old railway sleeper steps.

The construction project was completed and ready for seeding on March 14th, 2016 and the trial of ProNitro against Untreated seed was conducted. The area to the back of the tee was sown with J Nitro Tee and the area to the front was sown with J Tee. The two areas of the trial were divided by the steps pictured.

Apart from keeping Golfers and Walkers off of the trial areas, the only problem Jody and his team faced was the nutrient poor, natural acid soil of a Heathland course and of course the weather. Particularly the cold, dry springs that seem only too frequent now in the South East.

Both areas were sown at 40g/m2 and the untreated seed had a 4-3-4 pre-seed fertiliser applied at 35g/m2. No additional fertiliser was applied to the Treated seed. Growth sheets were used to cover the newly sown areas as although the weather was sunny at the time, air temperatures were still only about 8 Celsius.

Jody Wilson, Head Greenkeeper

Jody commented that:

“The difference between the uncoated and new Pro Nitro coated seed on Johnsons J Tee has been more than significant. Not only were germination and establishment faster with the ProNitro but the colour and density were noticeably better too!”

“The plot sown with ProNitro treated seed has less weed and was also much more consistent across the whole area in terms of coverage. There is also the not insignificant cost benefit too as the treated plot has had no additional fertiliser applied”.

Jody also went on to say “I wouldn’t have any reservations using Pro Nitro treated seed again being confident that I could get areas back into play much quicker than with untreated seed and it helps my budget go further too.”


The growth sheets were removed on March 24th as rain was forecast over the forthcoming weekend and replaced again on March 29th as ground temperatures were still very low.

Germination was noticed on April 1st for the Treated side and then 3 days later on April 4th, germination was noticed on the untreated plot.

The first cut was with a Flymo on May 26th and no other work had been conducted to either area during this time.

Below: J Nitro Tee

Below: J Tee (uncoated)

Below: J Nitro Tee

Below: J Tee (uncoated)


  • Despite the late spring and unseasonably low temperatures the ProNitro coated seed germinated faster and established significantly better than uncoated seed.
  • The ProNitro coating significantly improved plant growth and shoot density, delivering faster, more even coverage & reducing weed invasion.
  • The ProNitro coated seeds delivered stronger plants with improved colour.
  • The use of ProNitro coated seed reduced the cost of the seed, removed the need for a pre seed fertiliser and reduced the cost of subsequent management time and weed control – saving money.

Golf Tee over seed Sowing rate Unit price Total price Kg N/Ha Kg eff N/Ha
kg/ha £/kg £/Ha
Seed and fertiliser separate
Seed (J Tee) 400 4.46 1784
Fertiliser 4 3 4 350 1.05 367.5
Fert application cost
Total 750 2151.5
JNitro Tee 400 4.39 1756
Fertiliser in PN coating 40 40
Total saving /Ha 400 395.5